Blog: Digital design

Blog: Digital design

DeltaWay – introducing AI to ship concept development


Our previous blog texts introduced digital design tools designed for estimating a vessel’s lifetime, propulsion power and the energy and environmental footprint. This blog opens up the part of the digital design that is closest to the physical representation of the ship, and explains how it combines it all together. We call this part of […]

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Digital ship sails on all seas and in all weathers

Digital driven design - DeltaSeas

In the previous blog text, we described the methods that we have for evaluating vessel environmental footprint and energy efficiency. One of their major outcomes was that the operating profile of the vessel is of extreme importance. This blog continues our digital design series by introducing DeltaSeas, which provides answers to this specific question.

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In the heart of the digital ship

Deltakey Focus

This blog continues our digital design story by opening up the actual parts in our digital design toolbox. This time we are focusing on DeltaKey, the numerical representation of the processes and systems within the ship hull.

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Beyond digital twin

Digitalisation is a hot topic today in ship design and operation. For ship owners and operators in general, monitoring ship performance and learning from past behaviour can result in direct savings in fuel costs or anywhere else in the logistics chain.

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