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Deltamarin and Technava continue collaboration

Deltamarin and Technava collaboration 2022

June 3, 2022 – Deltamarin has recommenced an agency agreement with Greek marine equipment agency and technical services support company Technava. Official documents will be signed during Posidonia -22.

Together, the companies will be seeking for opportunities and solutions to serve the future needs of Greek shipping. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but now with a broader customer service profile, we can fulfil customer expectations with comprehensive and customised solutions. The experience and knowledge of both Deltamarin and Technava provide a solid foundation for good cooperation.

Esa Jokioinen, Sales and Marketing Director of Deltamarin, says: “The companies have worked together in the Greek market already since the 90’s and our cooperation has always been very smooth and effective. With the upcoming new emission regulations and strong focus on improving the performance of ships, there will be a demand for both upgrades and new designs in the market. We look forward to strengthening our presence in Greece together with Technava, who we trust as a partner to bring our sales and marketing closer to the local clients.”

Stella Tomazos, Managing Director of Technava, continues “We are proud to work with Deltamarin as a partner who has proven to provide ‘future proof’ ship designs. We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Deltamarin on the approval of Norwegian classification society DNV for an innovative LNG-fueled Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC) design along with GTT. Our company’s primary goal is to provide Greek Shipowners with sustainable solutions that lead to more environmentally friendly vessels that meet the new stricter emission targets. Deltamarin’s expertise in providing holistic solutions can certainly support our customers on their decarbonization path”.

Deltamarin and Technava collaboration 2022
From left to right: Mauri Harki, Senior Advisor of Deltamarin; Byron Tomazos, the President of Technava and Ying Gu, Shipbroker at Cass Technava
Deltamarin and Technava collaboration 2022
Document signing celebration with Technava

About Deltamarin
Deltamarin Group provides ship design, offshore engineering, and construction support for the marine and offshore industries worldwide. The services include the full range of consulting, design, and engineering as well as procurement, support for construction and installation. The Group employs around 400 experts in its own and associated companies located in Europe and Asia. Deltamarin is part of China Merchants Group.
About Technava
Founded in 1968, Technava is a leading provider of marine equipment and technical support to the Greek Shipping Industry. With a team of 105 skilled professionals, including engineers from various disciplines, they specialize in supply, installation, and servicing of equipment for ships, power plants, municipalities, and the oilfield industry. Committed to customer satisfaction, Technava delivers quality solutions and reliable service across diverse sectors.

For more information, please contact

Mauri Harki
Senior Advisor
+358 9 4788 4426
+358 400 357 577