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Deltamarin-involved project gets go-ahead to use carbon capture on oil tanker pilot

Stena Bulk’s Stena Impero - credit Tommy Chia, copyright Stena Rederi

March 22, 2023 – A consortium of global shipping organizations and the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) have received approval in principle from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), the US ship certification agency, to use a carbon capture system onboard an oil tanker.

In addition to Deltamarin, the project’s seven-member consortium includes the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonization (GCMD) in Singapore, OGCI, ABS, Stena Bulk, Alfa Laval and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO).

The project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of using carbon capture onboard a vessel and is one of the largest of its kind. Approval in principle allows the consortium to consider whether the project will move to the next stage, which includes engineering, procurement, and construction.

The global shipping industry is looking at a range of solutions, including low-carbon fuels and onboard carbon capture, to help achieve a target to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 from a baseline of 2008.

The consortium’s members believe the onboard carbon capture system could help accelerate commercial deployment of shipboard carbon capture technology within the next five years.

The two-year, three-phase demonstration project is investigating onboard capture and storage and offloading captured carbon dioxide to address the operational challenges and opportunities of deploying carbon capture technology on ships.

Following a full engineering study, the carbon capture system will be built and tested prior to integration onboard a Stena Bulk medium range (MR) tanker for sea trials. A rigorous stage gate review process will be conducted prior to progression between phases.

The consortium began the first phase of Project REMARCCABLE, (Realizing Maritime Carbon Capture to demonstrate the Ability to Lower Emissions) in 2022, which involved conceptual design and a front-end engineering design study of the system.

The second phase would include engineering, procurement, and construction of a prototype shipboard carbon capture system and onshore commissioning. Phase three would focus on integrating the system with the MR tanker and conducting sea trials.

The GCMD plans to launch a study on offloading the liquid carbon dioxide (CO2) to resolve potential challenges and inform the third phase of the project.

Mia Elg, R&D Manager at Deltamarin, concludes: “Deltamarin is proud to be integrating this new technology into the pilot vessel. The AIP is an important milestone that we can celebrate with the team! We are very pleased with the great collaboration we have had during the project so far, which is essential both for ensuring good performance of the system onboard and for the entire design and retrofit process.“

About Deltamarin
Deltamarin Group provides ship design, offshore engineering, and construction support for the marine and offshore industries worldwide. The services include the full range of consulting, design, and engineering as well as procurement, support for construction and installation. The Group employs around 400 experts in its own and associated companies located in Europe and Asia. Deltamarin is part of China Merchants Group.
About OGCI
The Oil and Gas Climate Initiative (OGCI) is a CEO-led initiative comprised of 12 of the world’s leading energy companies, producing around a third of global oil and gas. OGCI focuses on leading the industry’s response to climate change and accelerating action towards a net zero future consistent with the Paris Agreement.
About ABS
The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), founded in 1862, is a global leader in providing classification and technical services to the marine and offshore industries. Committed to safety and environmental stewardship, ABS develops and verifies standards for the design, construction, and maintenance of marine-related assets, ensuring reliability and innovation across the industry.

For more information, please contact

Mia Elg
R&D and Consulting Services
+358 50 3788 333