Scope of Work for the Shipowner
Conversion design, including
- The rearrangement of the existing car deck on Deck 2 into new shop store areas, the installation of a new service lift from Deck 2 to Deck 6 and a new pallet lift between Decks 2 and 3
- The existing three-deck-high show lounge was rearranged with a new deck and a new shopping area was introduced below it. The forward mooring deck was closed and tanks were rearranged. The operational profile was updated, with changes to wheelhouse windows and the installation of a new exhaust boiler.
- Catering spaces were rearranged, passenger cabins converted to crew cabins and the shell and structures in the icebelt area strenGThened
- Audit of the ship
- Conversion specification
- Ice class feasibility study
- Updating existing basic design documentation to reflect arrangement, Class and Flag changes