Scope of Work for the Shipowner
Complete newbuilding supervision and technical support, including
- To examine, approve and stamp drawings and plans reserved for the owner's approval
- To control the work at the shipyard, suppliers and subcontractors
- To take care of daily contacts and correspondence with the shipyard, suppliers and subcontractors etc.
- To report all incidents concerning quality, progress, performance etc.
- To control the number and quality of documents, spare parts, tools and measuring equipment
- To suggest improvements and/or modifications seen necessary for the interest of the owner
- To control and approve the results of tests and trials
- To check the compliance of the vessel with the contract, specification and other technical documents as well as with the applicable rules and regulations
- To assist the owner in all occasions, both technical and administrative, concerning building and receipt of the vessel
- To provide technical support, including evaluation of weight calculation, cargo conditions, intact stability, model test results, hull strength and noise and vibration
- To check the international rules and regulations in force after signing the shipbuilding contract